Multisig Ownership of Mainnet Rollup Contracts

Security is paramount when dealing with blockchain contracts, especially when customer funds are involved. At Caldera, we employ multi-signature (multisig) ownership for our mainnet rollup contracts.

This means that multiple signatures are required to authorize any significant actions, providing an additional layer of security. With multisig ownership, we ensure that customer funds remain protected, even in the unlikely event that our systems are compromised.

Using battle-tested, audited rollup stacks

Caldera only runs the most battle-tested rollup stacks, including Optimism, Arbitrum, and the Polygon CDK. Each of these stacks secures millions to billions of dollars in value, on production mainnets.

Dual Authorization for Production Infrastructure Access

All Caldera production infrastructure is locked under a dual-authorization scheme. This process mandates that no single individual can access or modify the production environment without a second person from the company signing off on the action. This dual authorization ensures that there are checks and balances in place, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized or malicious activity within our production infrastructure.